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10 Secrets to Finding the Best 340B Pharmacy in Florida
September 12, 2023
Florida, known for its sunny beaches and vibrant culture, is also home to a thriving healthcare system. Within this system, the 340B pharmacies play a pivotal role. But how do you find the best one?
Immediate 340B Program Access Granted to Florida and South Carolina Post-Hurricane Ian
November 7, 2023
Following the havoc wreaked by Hurricane Ian, the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has expedited 340B program enrollment for Florida and South Carolina. Both states were designated as public health emergencies (PHEs) due to the hurricane's extensive damage, which included flooding and widespread power outages over two days.
Infectious Disease Management through PrEP
Infectious diseases, such as HIV, remain significant public health challenges worldwide. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a powerful and innovative strategy that has emerged in recent years to combat the spread of HIV and reduce the risk of infection among high-risk individuals. PrEP involves the use of antiretroviral medications by individuals who are at substantial risk of contracting HIV to prevent the virus from establishing infection in the event of exposure. Let's explore how PrEP is being utilized as a groundbreaking approach to infectious disease management, focusing on HIV prevention.
Limitations on Contracting with Several Pharmacies: Ensuring Compliance in the 340B Drug Pricing Program
Contracting with multiple 340B pharmacies can offer advantages for covered entities participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program. It can enhance medication access, improve patient care, and strengthen the overall healthcare services provided. However, to ensure compliance with Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) guidelines and maintain the program's integrity, covered entities must be mindful of specific limitations and considerations. In this blog post, we will explore the key limitations and best practices for managing multiple pharmacy relationships under the 340B program.
Contract Implementation and Compliance: Ensuring Success in 340B Pharmacy Partnerships
Contract implementation and compliance are pivotal aspects of contracting with a new 340B pharmacy. Once the contract has been finalized and approved, both the covered entity and the pharmacy must work together to ensure a smooth transition and adherence to the terms of the agreement. This phase involves establishing effective communication, integrating pharmacy services into the covered entity's operations, and diligently following all 340B program rules and regulations. In this blog post, we will delve into the key steps involved in contract implementation and compliance to foster a successful and enduring partnership.
Request for Proposals (RFP) and Contract Negotiation: Key Steps in Contracting with a New 340B Pharmacy
The process of contracting with a new 340B pharmacy involves essential stages, namely preparing a Request for Proposals (RFP) and engaging in contract negotiation. These steps are pivotal in finding the most suitable pharmacy partner and establishing mutually beneficial terms that align with the covered entity's objectives and the pharmacy's capabilities. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of RFPs and contract negotiation in the successful procurement of a 340B pharmacy partner.
Researching Potential 340B Pharmacies: A Guide to Finding the Right Pharmacy Partner
Researching potential 340B pharmacies is a critical step for covered entities participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program. This phase allows them to identify the most suitable pharmacy partner, ensuring optimized benefits, improved patient care, and a seamless supply of medications. In this article, we will explore the essential factors to consider when researching potential 340B pharmacies to make informed and strategic decisions.
Identifying the Need for a New 340B Pharmacy Contract: A Key Step in Optimizing Patient Care and Cost-Effectiveness
‍In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, covered entities participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program must continuously assess their pharmacy arrangements to ensure optimal patient care and cost-effectiveness. Identifying the need for a new 340B pharmacy contract is a crucial step in this process, as it allows covered entities to address potential gaps in services, accommodate growing patient demands, and improve overall pharmacy operations.
Understanding the 340B Drug Pricing Program
The 340B Drug Pricing Program is a critical federal initiative that has been in operation since its inception in 1992. Its primary purpose is to enable eligible covered entities, such as hospitals, clinics, and health centers that serve vulnerable populations, to obtain prescription medications at substantially discounted prices from approved 340B pharmacies. The program was established as a means to address the financial challenges faced by these healthcare providers, allowing them to stretch limited resources and improve access to vital medications for their patients.
National Senior Health and Fitness Day spotlight: Tips for staying active and healthy as you age
National Senior Health and Fitness Day is an important time to raise awareness about the importance of staying active and healthy as we age. As we get older, it's important to continue to maintain an active lifestyle and make healthy choices to help maintain overall health and well-being.
Medication Delivery: The importance of proper handling and storage of medication during delivery
‍Medication delivery is an important aspect of overall health and well-being, and one key aspect of medication delivery is proper handling and storage of medication during the delivery process. Medications can be sensitive to light, temperature, and humidity and can be affected by improper handling and storage, which can affect their effectiveness.
National Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month spotlight: Understanding Parkinson's disease and the medications used to treat it
National Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month is an important time to raise awareness about Parkinson's disease and the various medications used to treat it. Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement, and it is caused by the loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain.
Chronic Care Corner: Managing chronic illness through diet and nutrition
Managing chronic illness can be a challenging task, but an important aspect of managing chronic conditions is through diet and nutrition. The right diet can not only help manage symptoms but also improve overall health and well-being.
Medication Management Tips: Did you know you can use the chat at pharmcorx.com to talk to your pharmacist?
‍Medication management is an important aspect of maintaining overall health, but it can also be challenging to keep track of all the details. Did you know that you can use the chat feature at pharmcorx.com to talk to your pharmacist and get answers to your medication-related questions?
Spring Break Special: How to manage your medication needs while traveling
Spring break is a time for many people to travel and enjoy new experiences, but it can also come with the added challenge of managing medication needs while on the go. Here are some strategies to help you stay on top of your medication needs while traveling.
Medication adherence: Strategies for remembering to take medication.
Medication adherence, or the act of consistently taking medication as prescribed, is an important aspect of managing chronic conditions and maintaining overall health. However, it can be challenging for some individuals to remember to take their medication, which can lead to missed doses and potential negative consequences.
Mental Health Month spotlight: The importance of mental health and the role of medication in treatment part 2
Mental Health Month is an annual event that provides an opportunity to raise awareness about mental health and the importance of supporting it. While mental health encompasses a wide range of conditions, medication is a vital component of treatment for many individuals. Psychotropics, also known as psychiatric medications, are drugs that are used to treat mental health conditions. These medications work by altering the levels of certain chemicals in the brain that are responsible for regulating mood and behavior.
Medication Management for the Elderly: Understanding the unique medication needs of older adults
Medication management for the elderly is a crucial aspect of healthcare for older adults. As we age, our bodies change and may have different reactions to medications than younger adults. It is important to understand the unique medication needs of older adults to ensure they are taking the right medications in the right dosages.
National Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month spotlight: Understanding Parkinson's disease and the medications used to treat it
April is National Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month, a time to bring attention to this debilitating condition and the millions of people affected by it worldwide. Parkinson's disease, or PD, is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement, muscle control, and balance. It is caused by the degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain, leading to symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, and difficulty walking.
Medication Delivery: The impact of medication delivery on adherence
‍Medication delivery plays a crucial role in medication adherence, which is the practice of taking medication as prescribed. Adherence is important for achieving positive health outcomes and avoiding complications.
Chronic Care Corner: Coping with chronic pain
Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition that affects millions of people and can have a significant impact on quality of life. Coping with chronic pain can be a challenging task, but there are ways to manage it effectively.
Medication Safety: The importance of keeping accurate and updated medication list
‍Medication safety is an important aspect of healthcare, and keeping an accurate and up-to-date medication list is a crucial step in preventing medication errors and interactions.
National Nutrition Month spotlight: How to eat healthy while managing chronic conditions
‍National Nutrition Month is an important time to raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating, especially for individuals managing chronic conditions. Nutrition plays a vital role in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
Medication Management Tips: Introducing Pharmco's Smart-Pack to your medication management routine
Managing medications can be a challenging task for individuals, especially those who have multiple prescriptions and complex dosing schedules. The Smart-Pack, offered by Pharmco, is a medication management system designed to simplify this process. The Smart-Pack comes in a pre-filled medication blister pack that is labeled with the date and time for each dose, eliminating the need for individuals to count pills or sort through multiple bottles. This also helps to reduce the risk of missing doses and improve medication adherence, which is crucial for managing chronic conditions and preventing complications.
Medication adherence: Understanding the importance of medication adherence.
Medication adherence is a critical aspect of healthcare, yet it is an issue that affects many individuals. Nonadherence to medication regimens can lead to a variety of negative outcomes, including disease progression, increased hospitalizations, and higher healthcare costs. Fortunately, there are several strategies that healthcare providers and individuals can employ to improve medication adherence and achieve better health outcomes.
National Minority Health Month spotlight: Addressing health disparities in chronic care management
National Minority Health Month is an important time to address the health disparities and challenges faced by minority communities in managing chronic conditions. Chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease disproportionately affect minority communities and often go undiagnosed or untreated, leading to severe complications and an increased risk of premature death. Lack of access to healthcare and cultural barriers are two of the primary reasons for these disparities.
Medication Safety: The impact of substance abuse on medication safety
Medication safety is a crucial aspect of healthcare, and it involves ensuring that patients receive the intended benefits of their medication without experiencing any adverse effects. However, substance abuse can significantly impact medication safety, as it can lead to dangerous interactions, non-compliance with medication regimens, and an increased risk of complications.
Medication Management for the Elderly: Addressing concerns and providing resources for older adults
For many elderly individuals, managing their medications becomes a cautionary tale they have to manage on their own. It can be a daunting task; between the refill dates, dosage changes and potential side effects, questions may arise that aren’t easily answered. But medication management doesn't have to remain an insurmountable challenge — addressing concerns ahead of time and planning regularly with your doctor are key steps you can take towards maintaining healthier habits. In this blog post, we will discuss the challenges faced by seniors when it comes to medication management, share expert tips for proactively managing medications more effectively and provide resources for those seeking additional support.
Mental Health Month spotlight: The importance of mental health and the role of medication in treatment
We are honored to join the Mental Health month conversation, and bring awareness to the importance of mental health and the role of medication in treatment. This month is a great time for individuals, families, and organizations—and especially those in the medical community—to come together and prioritize our collective well-being. It’s easy to forget how important mental health can be to overall wellness, so this month let us strive towards understanding that its place in our lives is just as invaluable as physical health. Through healthcare providers engaging with patients on a deep level, educating of ourselves and others through resources available online or otherwise (including your therapist or doctor), and finding meaningful support networks; this has been an exciting time filled with opportunities for growth.
Vaccination Schedule: Information on the recommended schedule for adults and the importance of vaccinations
Staying healthy is an important part of maintaining a good quality of life, and for adults vaccines can be one of the best defenses against serious illness. Vaccination schedules have been created to help ensure that patients are getting the recommended immunizations on time and staying up-to-date with their protection levels. Knowing what vaccines you should be receiving, when they should be administered, and how often they need to be updated is essential in keeping both you and your doctor informed about your health status. In this blog post we'll discuss the various ways you can stay informed about vaccination schedules as well as provide information on adult vaccine recommendations so that you can better protect yourself from preventable diseases.
Medication Delivery: How to get your medications delivered to you safely and efficiently
If you’re among the millions of people who need medication to maintain your health, getting it on time is critical. But for many, the stress and hassle of regular trips to pick up prescription medicines can be a formidable obstacle in making sure they get their medications on time. The good news is that there are now more ways than ever before to receive your medications safely and conveniently without having to leave home. In this blog post, we explore different services available today that make medication delivery easier and faster than ever while ensuring secure transport of your needed meds. No matter if you’re an elderly person or busy professional juggling work-life balance or a patient unable to get out due to physical limitations - with these services, you no longer have to worry about not receiving vital prescriptions when needed!
National Nutrition Month spotlight: How to eat healthy while managing chronic conditions
‍National Nutrition Month is an annual campaign that takes place during the month of March and is focused on raising awareness about the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthy eating habits. One of the most important aspects of this campaign is the emphasis on how to eat healthy while managing chronic conditions. Eating a healthy diet can be a challenge for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for those who are living with chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or high blood pressure. These conditions often require specific dietary guidelines that can be hard to follow and may limit certain foods or food groups. However, with a little planning and some creative thinking, it is possible to eat a healthy and satisfying diet while managing a chronic condition.
Chronic Care Corner: Addressing common concerns and providing resources for managing chronic conditions
As a chronic care patient, you know only too well how challenging it can be to maintain your health day-to-day. You may experience frequent doctor’s visits and hospitalizations for chronic illness management. It can be difficult to find the resources you need to stay vigilant with managing your condition. If you are feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, don't worry - we're here to help! This blog post was created as part of our Chronic Care Corner series – an effort by doctors and patients alike to provide thoughtful advice and helpful insights into living with a long term illness or disability. Our goal is simple: arm you with the knowledge necessary so that life doesn't feel like such a struggle every single day. Let's begin!
Valentine's Day Special: How to talk to your loved ones about their medication needs
The month of February is often associated with hearts and love, but it's also an important time to think about how our loved ones are managing their health. For those with chronic illnesses or long-term conditions, medication may be part of their everyday routine when it comes to staying healthy. As Valentine’s Day arrives this week, why not take a moment to establish open communication within your relationship and show your support for their medical journey? By talking openly about the medications they take and supporting them in taking the necessary steps towards better management of their condition, you can show that you care in more ways than one! In this blog post, we will explore the best strategies for having honest conversations about medications with your significant other so that both of you have information at hand and trust each other throughout the process.
Heart Health Month spotlight: The importance of cholesterol management and the role of medications
‍February is Heart Health Month, and it's a great time to focus on taking care of our hearts. One of the most important aspects of heart health is managing cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in our blood that can build up in the walls of our arteries and increase our risk of heart disease. There are two main types of cholesterol: LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (high-density lipoprotein). LDL is often referred to as "bad" cholesterol because it can build up in the walls of our arteries and increase our risk of heart disease. HDL, on the other hand, is often referred to as "good" cholesterol because it helps remove LDL from our bloodstream.
Medication Management Tips: Practical advice for managing multiple medications and working with your healthcare provider
Living with a chronic illness often means having to take multiple medications. It can be an overwhelming experience and many patients struggle to keep track of the numerous types of pills, dosage schedules, and side effects associated with their treatment plans. To help people navigate this complex terrain, we’ve gathered some practical advice on how to manage medications successfully. Read along for tips on how to build organized systems that make it easy to remember which medications you need when and why they are important - all while feeling empowered in your healthcare journey.
Is COVID-19 still a thing? Rapid testing options available across Florida
January 11, 2023
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pharmcorx Pharmacy has been at the forefront of providing rapid testing services to the people of Florida. With locations in North Miami, Hallandale Beach, Palm Springs, and Orlando, the pharmacy has administered more than 30,000 COVID-19 tests to people in need.
The Importance of Efficient Risk Management in Capitated Plans and how Independent Pharmacies can Help
January 9, 2023
Partnering with local pharmacies can be particularly beneficial for risk management in capitated full-risk plans. Local pharmacies can offer a range of services that can help to improve adherence, prevent hospitalizations, and reduce costs. Some examples include medication synchronization, medication therapy management, and immunization services. By working closely with local pharmacies, healthcare providers can better serve their patients and improve the financial performance of their capitated full-risk plan.
Independent pharmacies, HEDIS Scores, and the importance of keeping five stars on full-risk plans with Payors
Carlos Rangel
January 4, 2022
Independent pharmacies play a vital role in the healthcare system of the United States. These pharmacies are often found in small towns and rural areas, where they serve as a critical source of medication and healthcare services for local communities. In addition to filling prescriptions and providing over-the-counter medications, independent pharmacies also offer a range of important services that can help improve the health and well-being of their patients.
PharmcoRx Smart Medication Packaging for Increased Patient Adherence while Managing Chronic Diseases
November 30, 2022
At PharmcoRx, we understand that managing your medication can be a hassle. That's why we've created a new kind of pharmacy that delivers your medication directly to your door, pre-sorted into easy-to-open packets. With PharmcoRx Smart-Pack, you'll never have to worry about refills or running out of medication again. Plus, our pharmacists are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have. Getting started is easy-- simply sign up with your insurance information and a list of your current medications. Give Smart-Pack a try today and see how much easier managing medication can be!
PharmcoRx Smart Medication Packaging
November 7, 2022
At PharmcoRx, we understand that managing your medication can be a hassle. That's why we've created a new kind of pharmacy that delivers your medication directly to your door, pre-sorted into easy-to-open packets. With PharmcoRx Smart-Pack , you'll never have to worry about refills or running out of medication again. Plus, our pharmacists are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have. Getting started is easy-- simply sign up with your insurance information and a list of your current medications. Give Smart-Pack a try today and see how easy managing your medication can be!
Progressive Care to Expand into Rapidly Growing Remote Patient Monitoring Market
April 27, 2022
‍MIAMI, FL – April 27, 2022 – Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB:RXMD) (“Progressive Care” or the “Company”), a personalized healthcare services and technology company, is excited to announce its expansion into the rapidly growing multi-billion dollar Remote Patient Monitoring (“RPM”) space.
Where can I get a rapid covid test in Orlando?
April 19, 2022
Where to get COVID test in Orlando? PharmcoRx Orlando COVID testing site is located at 1160 S Semoran Blvd. Orlando, FL. 32807. The testing area is open Monday thru Friday from 9 am to 6 pm, and Saturdays from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. More information about our locations at pharmcorx.com/orlando
PharmcoRx will be partnering with Second Sight for 340B reporting
Upcoming Changes for Qualifying Gilead Prescriptions. In an effort to comply with the new rules set forth by these various manufacturers, Pharmco will be partnering with Second Sight to streamline the process of getting this information over to the manufacturers so that you can continue to utilize our services for your patients. We at Pharmco are dedicated to serving your patients and ensuring that you and them continue to have access to 340B pricing so that you can stretch scarce resources as much as possible.
Where do I get rapid covid testing in Miami?
PharmcoRx Miami is happy to provide COVID-19 rapid COVID test for travelers at their location in 901 North Miami Beach Blvd 7 days a week.
PharmcoRx Is now performing PCR test at the new Orlando location
PharmcoRx is now performing rapid PCR tests at 2285 S Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822. You can schedule your appointment now at Pharmcorx.com/orlando or calling (407) 381-3085. PharmcoRx Pharmacy is one of the few places in Orlando offering emergency PCR results in less than one hour that doesn't cost a fortune
Letter from a Compounding Patient
June 30, 2020
Hi Amy, I want to take this opportunity to tell you about the best topical medicine I have ever tried (and I’ve tried a few). Thanks to you, your concern, and your caring associates, I experienced pain relief...
How PharmCo Rx Helps Doctors Manage Care
April 30, 2020
We understand how much you have on your plate, and it's our goal to take some of that load off your shoulders. Here's how PharmCo Rx helps you manage care.
Everything you need to know about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEp)
April 15, 2020
We are still in STD Awareness Month. We want to use this post to get our readers to understand what PrEP is, who is it for and again, to raise awareness about the nationwide Ready, Set, PrEP program created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Healthy Partners Visit Shital Mars on Channel 7 News
April 1, 2020
Check out Shital's visit to Healthy Partners. Watch tonight on Channel 7 News!
Ready, Set, PrEP Program Explained
April 1, 2020
The Ready, Set, PrEP Program aims to provide PrEP medications at no cost to thousands of people who qualify. Learn if you qualify
Progressive Care Reports Record $32M Revenues, 70% Jump in Gross Profits, Leadership in Contactless Prescription Delivery Accelerating Momentum
March 31, 2020
MIAMI, FL – March 31, 2020 – Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB: RXMD) (“Progressive Care” or the “Company”), a personalized healthcare services and technology company, is very excited to announce the release of the Company’s audited Annual Report for 2019. The Company posted record-breaking data, which was defined by sequential quarterly improvement throughout the year in all major financial performance metrics, including EBITDA profitability in Q4 2019. In addition, the Company is pleased to report that this momentum has continued to define results so far in 2020, as the Company sees market share gains based on its established leadership position in home delivery and disease prevention protocols which has become a critical competitive advantage due to concerns over the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”).
Progressive Care Announces 2019 Annual Report Earnings Call and Business Update on March 31, 2020
March 24, 2020
MIAMI, FL, March 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NEWMEDIAWIRE -- Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB: RXMD), a personalized healthcare services and technology company, is pleased to announce that the Company has scheduled an investor conference call at 4:30 PM ET on Tuesday, March 31st, 2020.
Progressive Care to Compound Hand Sanitizer
March 17, 2020
MIAMI, March 18, 2020 -- Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB: RXMD) (“Progressive Care” or the “Company”), a personalized healthcare services and technology company, is retooling it’s compounding lab to prepare commercial grade hand sanitizer for the local community and healthcare professionals.
Progressive Care Inc. Reports Strong February Sales and Leads Efforts to Combat Novel Coronavirus Infections
March 16, 2020
MIAMI, March 16, 2020 -- Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB: RXMD) (“Progressive Care” or the “Company”), a personalized healthcare services and technology company, is proud to announce several updates regarding business continuity amid the growing novel Coronavirus outbreak and an over 64% increase in February 2020 sales figures.
Progressive Care Inc. Introduces Comprehensive Website Redesign
March 11, 2020
MIAMI, March 10, 2020 -- Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB: RXMD) (“Progressive Care” or the “Company”), a personalized healthcare services and technology company, is proud to announce the launch of its newly redesigned website.
Best Practices for Understanding and Preparing for a Coronoavirus Outbreak
March 3, 2020
As reports continue to unfold on the progression of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to what is being described as an upcoming pandemic, there continue to be numerous misconceptions about the disease and proper disease prevention protocols.
Press Coverage: Medium + Thrive Global The Future of Healthcare with Shital Mars, CEO of Progressive Care Inc.
February 26, 2020
Leaving our prejudices and preconceived notions of patients and their behaviors at the door. We all have subconscious biases that influence our decision making, but our system is so riddled with jaded ideas of patient qualities that when compounded with medical malpractice liability and profitability concerns, care is being delivered through a very warped lens. It is true that women receive substandard care to men. People of color receive substandard care to Caucasians. Immigrants receive substandard care to native-born. These truths leave large swaths of the US populace without care that meets their needs.
Progressive Care Inc. Announces CEO Shital Mars as a Keynote Speaker at Cold Chain Global Forum in San Diego, California
February 24, 2020
MIAMI, February 24, 2020 -- Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB: RXMD) (“Progressive Care” or the “Company”), a personalized healthcare services and technology company, today announced that CEO, S. Parikh Mars, will be the keynote speaker at Cold Chain Global Forum West Coast in San Diego, CA on February 26-27, 2020.
How PharmCo Rx Can Make Your Life Easier
Pharmco Rx
February 21, 2020
PharmCo's Smart-Pack organizes your medications and supplements by dosage, time, and the amount so that each pouch has precisely what you need when you need it. It takes all the guesswork out of taking a multi-drug treatment protocol. No more sorting. No more planning. No more math. No more missed doses. Plus, Smart-Pack pouches are customizable with the information you want to help you stay on track with your medications. And the best part? Having your medications organized into a Smart-Pack is completely free of charge to you. If you want to give Smart-Pack a try, call us at (888) 919 7411, or visit PharmCoRx.com and one of our pharmacists will assist you through phone or chat.
Disaster Preparedness for Real Life Disasters: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Can Lead in Pre- and Post-Disaster Relief
Marcello Jaspan
December 18, 2018
Shital Parikh Mars, CEO at Progressive Media and speaker at FlyPharma US earlier this year, reveals how a fragmented, highly competitive industry like pharma can – and should – work together to prepare for a disaster response. Identifying pharma and logistics priorities, finding realistic solutions, and consulting every supply chain player is critical, as Shital explains.
How RXMD Is Helping to Combat the Opioid Epidemic
CEO, Shital Parik.
November 19, 2018
Pain management has always been a heavily debated topic, largely because everyone’s tolerance to pain is different. However, it’s clear that our solutions to this problem aren’t serving the long-term needs of the public. When 116 lives are lost every day due to the opioid crisis, it’s clear we need a different plan of attack.
Progressive Care Launches Opioid Alternative Treatment Campaign Aimed at Reaching Millions Affected by the Nationwide Epidemic
Marcello Jaspan
November 19, 2018
Progressive Care Inc. , a personalized healthcare services and technology company, launched a new program designed to educate patients and providers on treatment alternatives to opioids available through the company.
9 Recent Vendor Contracts and Go-lives
Marcello Jaspan
November 19, 2018
Here are nine recent health IT vendor contracts and go-lives: 1. Anthem health plan members with the latest version of the Samsung Health app on their Galaxy devices can now access American Well telehealth services as part of a newly announced partnership. 2. The U.S. Defense Department plans to increase its health records contract with Cerner by $1.1 billion, officials said July 24.
Risking Addiction for Relief: Is There a Better Alternative to Opioids?
CEO, Shital Parik.
November 19, 2018
Every day, the United States loses 116 lives to the opioid epidemic.(1) Pharmacists are asking what can be done to combat the opioid epidemic and treat pain effectively.In the ever-changing healthcare environment, minimizing pain is a top priority, but for over a decade, physicians have relied on opioid medications that put millions of patients at risk.
The Secret Behind Community Pharmacy Adherence
CEO, Shital Parik.
October 17, 2018
Community pharmacists can improve patients’ adherence to their medicines. But how? Shital Parikh Mars explains…In today’s healthcare system, pharmacists play a key role in monitoring patient adherence, which means that the patient is maintaining the proper dosing schedule throughout the medication cycle as well as continuing to take a medication for as long as the treatment is necessary. More so than ever before, adherence is closely monitored with pharmacies and doctors bearing financial responsibility for ensuring patient adherence. Improvements are being made, but as of 2017, 50% of patients are still non-adherent. To address the problem, pharmacists must understand why patients are non-adherent.
Investors Taking Note of Progressive Care, Inc. (OTCMKTS:RXMD)
CEO, Shital Parik.
August 31, 2018
Progressive Care, Inc. (OTCMKTS:RXMD) has been in the news after the price of the stock hit $0.063 at the conclusion of the most recent close. The stock is traded on OTC in the Retail-Wholesale sector and Retail – Pharmacies and Drug Stores industry.
SmallCapVoice Interview with Progressive Care, Inc. (RXMD)
CEO, Shital Parik.
August 29, 2018
S. Parikh Mars, CEO of Progressive Care Inc. called in to SmallCapVoice.com, Inc. to answer shareholder questions that the company was not able to get to in the recent Q2 earnings call, go over the drivers behind the recently announced largest six-month revenue period in company history in Q2 2018 financial filing, the completion of the Touchpoint Pharmacy acquisition, the big news regarding PharmCo, LLC has met all three of the performance measures evaluated by Humana Inc., a leading health and well-being company, as part of its Rx Quality Network program.
Designing A Selfie Medicine App To Stick
CEO, Shital Parik.
August 27, 2018
With the phenomenon known as ‘selfies,’ it doesn’t seem too surprising that ‘selfie medicine’ apps are being integrated into the medical world. Today, some doctors require patients to record a video of themselves taking medicine to prove they are following instructions. These new ways of monitoring medications and healthcare come with various challenges, such as monitoring security issues and receiving long-term adherence from patients using the app. 
S. Parikh Mars, CEO of Progressive Care Inc., Provides Updates and Insights into Recent Events in a New Audio Interview with SmallCapVoice.com
CEO, Shital Parik.
August 27, 2018
SmallCapVoice, Inc. and Progressive Care Inc. (OTCQB:RXMD), a personalized healthcare services and technology company, announced today that the Company is featured in a new audio interview at SmallCapVoice, Inc.
Using Digital Technology to Improve Your Pharmacy
CEO, Shital Parik.
August 23, 2018
According to the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), 125,000 people die in the US every year because of non-adherence and it costs the system a shocking $100-300 billion a year. In response to this epidemic, digital pharmacies have a unique chance to utilise digital technology to engage the patient and bring about meaningful change in their wellbeing.
Selfie Medicine Is a Thing, But Should It Be?
CEO, Shital Parik.
August 15, 2018
Some doctors now require patients to record a video of themselves taking their pills for the sake of proving medication adherence. One telehealth expert has concerns about this practice and doesn't see it sticking.
New Program Aims to Improve Patient Medication Adherence
CEO, Shital Parik.
July 10, 2018
On July 10, 2018, Progressive Care, a personalized healthcare services and technology company, announced its new proprietary patient engagement program, DischargeRX.The program will provide hospitals with support in preventing medication-related hospital readmissions through Progressive Care’s wholly owned subsidiaries, including PharmCo, a health-services organization that offers administration and practice management as well as prescription pharmaceuticals to long-term care facilities. According to a 2017 study published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, up to 26% of hospital readmissions are medication-related.
Health Information Management Professionals Aid Cybersecurity
CEO, Shital Parik.
June 20, 2018
Cybersecurity is an ongoing priority -- and challenge -- for healthcare organizations. A health information management team can help keep data secure and protected.Hackers and cybercriminals continue to target the healthcare industry, leaving data at risk of exposure and being held for ransom. Cybersecurity remains a top priority for healthcare organizations, but figuring out how to manage and protect health information can be challenging. 
The Secret Weapon for Improving Clinical Outcomes and Driving Down Health Care Costs
Armen Karapetyan
June 19, 2018
Physicians prescribe medications for patients in order to manage their chronic conditions which should reduce the need for hospital care. However, if the patient does not take the prescribed medication at the frequency written on the bottle or at all, what had been a chronic condition can re-emerge as an acute episode that requires a visit to the emergency room or a full-blown hospital readmission.
Upgrade your pharmacy
Managing your medication has never been easier.
Get started